
Adafruit 16 Channel 12-bit PWM Servo Controller Driver PCA9685 KR11004


3 in stock

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This product comes with a fully tested and assembled breakout as well as 4 pieces of 3×4 male straight header (for servo/LED plugs), a 2-pin terminal block (for power) and a piece of 6-pin 0.1″ header (to plug into a breadboard). A little light soldering will be required to assemble and customize the board by attaching the desired headers but it is a 15 minute task that even a beginner can do.

Klinikrobot menyediakan sparepart elektronika dan kelengkapan robotika, mekanikal, dll.
Sejak 2007 kami membantu banyak pelanggan dan hobby robotika untuk kebutuhan pembelajara/ pelatihan, lomba Kontes Robot Indonesia, Kontes Robot Cerdas Indonesia, Siswa, Mahasiswa, Sekolah dan Universitas banyak bekerjasama dengan kami.

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Terima kasih sudah berbelanja di toko kami.

Additional information

Weight 0,05 kg
Skill Programming

Level 3

Skill Elektrikal

Level 3

Skill Robotika

Level 1

Skill DIY - Do it yourself

Level 1

Skill Soldering

Level 3

