
DC Motor Dinamo Mabuchi RF-270RH Tamiya 76004


KR12015 DC Motor Dinamo Mabuchi RF-270RH Tamiya 76004

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Tamiya Solar Cell Motor Mabuchi RF-270RH (#76004)
Item No. : KR12015

Download Manual Tamiya 76004

[High rotation/high power solar motor] The higher the electric power, the higher the rotation speed, making it a solar motor that moves your work more powerfully. It also comes with three types of pinion gears, wiring cords, aluminum motor stays, and mounting screws.

[Basic specifications] Size: Total length 43mm, case length 30.8mm, case diameter 24.4mm

1. Introduction
Rotation increases the larger the power, solar motor is a powerful tool to move. Code comes with the pinion gear and wiring, mounting screws also three types of motors and aluminum stays.

2. Spesification
Voltage = 0,4 V ~ 1,5 V
Ampere = 100 mA ~ 120 mA
RPM = 1,430 rpm ~ 4,500 rpm
Weight = 75gr
Dimension = 43mm length, 30.8mm case length, 24.4mm diameter case
Shaft diameter = 2,0 mm

Tamiya Educational Robot Construction Series Catalog :

Additional information

Weight 0,05 kg
Skill Programming

No Need

Skill Elektrikal

Level 2

Skill Robotika

Level 1

Skill DIY - Do it yourself

Level 1

Skill Soldering

No Need


Tamiya Robotics