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Project Board Breadboard MB-102


Project Board Breadboard MB-102 Papan Tusuk PCB Projek Board

44 in stock

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Bermain-main dengan Project Board / Bread Board

The project board will accept up, clock-clips, the smaller DIP’s.Each unit will accept transistors, diodes,LEDS, resistors, capacitors,pots and ‘Virtually all types of components. keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot

Project Board MB102

1. Introduction :

You can just plug-in vertically your components in the position you want without soldering. The project board will accept up, clock-clips, the smaller DIP’s.Each unit will accept transistors, diodes,LEDS, resistors, capacitors,pots and ‘Virtually all types of components.The units are desired to use #22- 30 solid hookup wire foe interconnection will plug-in ease. it could be combined with a series features’ a’ unique interlocking desired, without tools to meet changing requirements and components are re useful.

2. Specification :

* 600 pin holes CONNECTED TERMINALS.

* SIZE : 165 X 52 X 8mm

Klinikrobot menyediakan sparepart elektronika dan kelengkapan robotika, mekanikal, dll.

Sejak 2007 kami membantu banyak pelanggan dan hobby robotika untuk kebutuhan pembelajara/ pelatihan, lomba Kontes Robot Indonesia, Kontes Robot Cerdas Indonesia, Siswa, Mahasiswa, Sekolah dan Universitas banyak bekerjasama dengan kami.

Bisa kunjungi web klinikrobot atau google untuk ke situs kami.

Terima kasih sudah berbelanja di toko kami.

Additional information

Weight 0,1 kg
Skill Programming

No Need

Skill Elektrikal

Level 2

Skill Robotika

Level 2

Skill DIY - Do it yourself

Level 1

Skill Soldering

No Need

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