C10 BI-Directional DB25 CNC Breakout Board
Modul Konversi dari Driver Stepper Motor ke Komputer (CNC Zone - USA) [embed]https://youtu.be/38J0Y6Jn_8A[/embed] Modul ini…
Male DB25 Parallel Port Jack KR06123
Parallel Jack Male Cowo DB 25 pin
KR06158 CH340 USB to TTL (UART) Converter Modules with 5V & 3.3V DC
CH340 USB to TTL (UART) Converter Modules with 5V & 3.3V DC Supplies keterangan lebih…
KR06154 AT24C256 EEPROM Memory Module
AT24C256 EEPROM Memory Module (256 kbit = 32 kbyte serial EEPROM) keterangan lebih lanjut dapat…
KR06146 PCF8591 AD/DA Converter Modules
PCF8591 AD/DA Converter Modules keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot dengan memasukkan…
KR06143 ENC28J60 Ethernet Module
ENC28J60 Ethernet Module, network interface HR911105A keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot…
KR06134 SJA1000 dan PCA82C250 CAN Bus Module
SJA1000 PCA82C250 CAN Bus Module, SJA1000 PCA82C250 CAN Bus Module keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di…
KR06130 ADC0808CCN 8 Bit ADC (Analog-Digital converter) 28pin ADC0808
ADC0808CCN 8 Bit ADC (Analog to Digital converter), 8 Bit ADC (Analog to Digital converter)…
KR06125 MAX485 TTL to RS-485 Module
MAX485 TTL to RS-485 Module, Onboard MAX485 chip is a low power consumption for RS-485…
KR06114 NE555 Signal/ Pulse Generator Module
NE555 Signal/ Pulse Generator Module, Single-channel signal output, the output square wave duty ratio is…
KR06113 Micro SD Card Breakout Board
Micro SD Card Breakout Board, board size: 18.5 (mm) x17.5 (mm) keterangan lebih lanjut dapat…
KR06070 10 Bit Digital to Analog Converter TLC5615 with Serial I/O
10 Bit Digital to Analog Converter TLC5615 with Serial I/O, Easy to connect with an…
KR06058 Female RS232-TTL Converting Module (1 pcs)
Female RS232-TTL Converting Module (1 pcs), Standard Female RS232 to TTL Converting Module keterangan lebih…
KR06052 TTL Level Shifter 3.3V to 5V
TTL Level Shifter 3.3V to 5V, Each level converter has the capability of converting 4…
KR06051 UART to RS232 Module
UART to RS232 Module, keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot dengan memasukkan…
USB to UART Module Item No. : KR06050 Along with the development of computer technology,…
KR06047 SD Card Breakout Board
keterangan detail: sd-card-modules/sd-card-breakout-board.
KR06046 PL2303HX USB TTL ISP STC Converter Serial Module Run in Windows 10
KR06046 PL2303HX USB TTL ISP STC Converter Serial Module Run in Windows 10 Pada penggunaan…
KR06004 USB to UART Serial Interface SILABS CP2102
USB-Serial Interface, with USB Cable keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot dengan…
STM32 Lite V2.0 Arm Cortex Board Arduino Shield STM32F103VET6
STM32 Arm Cortex Board Arduino Shield Support Introduction Spruce -LinkSprite STM32 ARM cortex board can…
KR06110 Bluetooth 4.0 BLE Shield
Bluetooth 4.0 BLE Shield, Suitable for remote control, game controller, data collection and smart home…
KR06068 Usb Host F/Arduino Uno R3 & Mega2560
keterangan detail : arduino-shield-board/usb-host-f-arduino-uno-r3-mega2560.
KETERANGAN DETAIL : arduino-shield-board/arduino-ftdi-ft232rl-usb-to-serial-ic-5v-3-3v.
KR06044 Arduino Ethernet W5100 Shield
Arduino Ethernet W5100 Shield, Ethernet Shield W5100 RJ45 ethernet jack Arduino compatible keterangan lebih lanjut…
KR06038 RS485 Shield
RS485 f/ Arduino Uno R3, keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot dengan…
KR04961 PermaProto PCB 5x16cm Breadboard Project Board PCB Bolong
PCB Breadboard Untuk project board raspberry pi disertai dengan posisi port rapsberry pi Dapat juga…
KR04960 PermaProto PCB Board 9x6cm Breadboard Project Board PCB Bolong
PCB Breadboard Dapat menggantikan penggunaan breadboard/ project board. Jarak antar pin 2.54mm (standard kaki IC…
KR04959 5x5cm Raspberry Breadboard Project Board PCB Bolong
PCB Breadboard Untuk project board raspberry pi disertai dengan posisi port rapsberry pi Dapat juga…
KR04958 5x8cm Raspberry Breadboard Project Board PCB Bolong
PCB Breadboard Untuk project board raspberry pi disertai dengan posisi port rapsberry pi Dapat juga…
KR03059 New Arduino Pro Mini ATMega328 (3.3 ~ 5Volt DC)
New Arduino Pro Mini ATMega328 (3.3 ~ 5Volt DC), Can accept 3.3 Volt to 5…
KR03055 Arduino Nano 3.0/ Pro Mini 328 Board
Arduino Nano 3.0/ Pro Mini 328 Board, Prototype Shield ProtoShield Extension Board for (For Arduino)…
KR03047 Arduino Pro Mini 328
Arduino Pro Mini 328, Can accept 3.3 ~ 12 Volt DC voltage supply and with…
KR03038 Protoboard Arduino Mega Prototype Shield v3 Bonus Project Brd
Project Board f/ Arduino Mega2560, All Arduino mega pins are brought to this protoshield. 5V,…
KR03035 Arduino I/O Expansion Shield V5 Xbee Sensor Shield RS485
Arduino I/O Expansion Shield V5 Xbee Sensor Shield RS485, Support RS485, Xbee (Xbee pro),Bluetooth,APC220,SD card…
KR03034 Extension Screw Pin For Arduino (1 Pair)
extension-screw-pin-for-arduino-1-pair. Klinikrobot menyediakan sparepart elektronika dan kelengkapan robotika, mekanikal, dll. Sejak 2007 kami membantu banyak…
KR03029 Arduino Mega2560 R3
Arduino Mega2560 R3, The Arduino Mega is a microcontroller board based on the ATMega2560. keterangan…
KR03021 Arduino MEGA328 w/ Driver Motor
Arduino MEGA328 w/ Driver Motor, The Arduino 328 is a microcontroller board based on the…
KR03001 Arduino MEGA168 w/Driver Motor
Arduino MEGA168 w/Driver Motor, Good learning tools (Development Board) kit for development Board for ATMEL…
Kotak PP Penyimpan Serbaguna : Arduino Sensor Shield Komponen Rokok
Kotak dengan Penutup Press/ Kedap Udara Cocok untuk penyimpanan komponen elektronika/ sensor/ modul agar tidak…