Sensor Arus Listrik 5A
5A Current Sensor Module (using ACS712ELC-05A), analog output 185mV/A Specifications : 1. Current sensor chip:…
KR08173 HR202 Humidity Sensor Kelembaban %RH
HR202 Humidity Sensor This module produces an digital output based on the humidity of the…
KR08172 VS1838B 38KHz Infrared Receiver Module Pembaca Remot Sensor Inframerah
VS1838B Infrared Receiver Module, operating frequency : 38kHz. On-board RC filter, work more stable Output…
KR08170 20KG Loadcell Sensor
20KG Loadcell Sensor, Electronic Scale Weighing Sensor 20Kg keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada…
KR08169 10KG Loadcell Sensor
10KG Loadcell Sensor, Electronic Scale Weighing Sensor 10Kg keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada…
KR08168 TSL2561 GY-2561 Luminosity Light Sensor Module
TSL2561 LUMINOSITY SENSOR, detect light ranges from up to 0.1 - 40,000 Lux keterangan lebih…
KR08163 Cooler Element ~ 12 Volt DC
Cooler Element ~ 12 Volt DC, after connect with supply voltage this element can produce…
KR08162 Ceramic Bulb Holder
Ceramic Bulb Holder, high voltage bulb holder keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog…
KR08158 Water Flow Setting Pengatur Distribusi Air selang 4mm
Water Flow Setting, setting water flow rate by turn knob setting keterangan lebih lanjut dapat…
KR08155 Temperature Sensor LM393 Celcius Arduino Thermal Pi
Thermal Sensor Module, On-board the output signal indication, output effective signal is high, at the…
KR08152 Weighing Sensor/ Loadcell Module using HX711
Weighing Sensor/ Loadcell Module using HX711, can connect this module into loadcell beam, loadcel S…
KR08150 DS18B20 Temperature Measurement Module
DS18B20 Temperature Measurement Module, Using temperature sensor DS18B20 keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada…
KR08149 ADXL345 Digital Output Tilt Sensor Accelerometer Module
ADXL345 Digital Output Tilt Sensor Accelerometer Module, faster load speed of response, very suitable for…
KR08147 Small Reed Switch / Magnetic Switching
Small Reed Switch / Magnetic Switching, from normally open become closed when magnetic field come.…
KR08145 Big Reed Switch / Magnetic Switching
Big Reed Switch / Magnetic Switching, from normally open become closed when magnetic field come.…
KR08142 Analog UV Light Sensor GUVA-S12SD
KETERANGAN DETAIL : ultraviolet-uv-sensor/analog-uv-light-sensor-guva-s12sd. [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
KR08141 sensor pengukuran debit air Water Flow Sensor 1/2″ 30L/min
Water Flow Sensor 1/2" 30L/min, Mini Flow Sensor is one kind of micro water flow…
KR08135 Linker Light Sensor kit LDR Cahaya for Arduino
LDR Light Sensor kit, Dimensions: 20 x 24.2 x 10.6mm keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di…
KR08134 Linker Tilt Sensor Kemiringan Bidang
Tilt Sensor, The minimum tilt angle of this sensor is 2-5 degree keterangan lebih lanjut…
KR08133 Temperature Module TMP36
Temperature Module TMP36, the scale factor of 10 mV/C. keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat…
KR08131 Soil (Moisture) Hygrometer Sensor FC-28
keterangan detail : soil-moisture-sensor/soil-moisture-hygrometer-sensor-fc-28. [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
KR08130 Temperature Sensor – LM35
Temperature Sensor - LM35, Input voltage 4-20volt, temperature range : 0-100 deg.Celcius keterangan lebih lanjut…
KR08128 Magnetic Switch (Magnet Detection)
Magnetic Switch (Magnet Detection), Dimensions: 20.0 x 24.2 x 10.6mm Keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di…
Finger Heart Pulse Sensor
Finger Heart Beat/ Pulse Sensor, Arduino Compatible Finger Heartbeat Detection Sensor Module use's Infra RedLED…
KR08125 Mini Solar Cell (60x44mm)
Mini Solar Cell (60x44mm), Solar cells convert the energy of the sun or artificial light…
KR08124 Mini Solar Cell (42x42mm)
Mini Solar Cell (42x42mm), Solar cells convert the energy of the sun or artificial light…
KR08122 2-400cm Ultrasonic Sensor Module (HC-SR04)
2 ~ 400cm Ultrasonic Sensor Module (HC-SR04) Item No. : KR08122 1. Introduction This ultrasonic…
KR08121 Tiny Limit Switch 1A 125VAC
Tiny Limit Switch 1A 125VAC, very tiny limit switch keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat…
KR08117 SR501 Pyro Sensor Module (PIR)
SR501 Pyro Sensor Module (PIR), keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot [crp…
KR08116 Water Sensor Air Deteksi Hujan
Water Sensor Item No. : KR08116 1. Introduction The brick is mainly comprised of three…
Infrared Receiver Photodiode
5mm LED Black Photodiode, Infrared Receiver Ini adalah komponen penerima pancaran signal inframerah/ infrared, diameter…
Kr08112 Dht22 Am2302 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
DHT22 AM2302 TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY SENSOR, DHT22 AM2302 humidity capacitor module is a digital temperature…
KR08110 DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor
DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor, This is a pre-wired and waterproofed version of the DS18B20 sensor.…
Shaft Rotary Encoder
360 Shaft Rotary Encoder, Mechanical shaft encoder, directly detect shaft motion/ motor turning - 20…
KR08098 MMA7361 Accelerometer Sensor
MMA7361 3 Axis Accelerometer Module/ Tilt Slant Angle Sensor Item No. : KR08098 [embed][/embed] This…
KR08097 Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout – ADXL335
Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL335 Item No. : KR08097 Specifications : *Suggest voltage using…
KR08096 Arduino Sensor Shield V5.0
Arduino Sensor Shield V5.0, keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot [crp include_post_ids="18910,…
KR08083 CMOS Camera 12VDC (Video) Range 10m
CMOS Camera 12VDC (Video) Range 10m, Thanks to the advance technology, its performance is equivalent…
KR08074 Infrared Encoder Optocoupler Speed Sensor 3mm GK122
Infrared Encoder (Optocoupler) w/ bolt hole, The encoder is a sensor attached to a rotating…