MPX5010GP Air Pressure Sensor
MPX5010GP [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
Lensa Cembung Kecil diameter 12mm bulat plastik
Lensa untuk membantu sensor menerima input cahaya atau memancarkan sinar [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1"…
Lampu Natal SOLARCELL 12 Pcs LED LIGHT (Include Re-chargeable Battery)
SOLARCELL 24Pcs LED LIGHT (Include Re-chargeable Battery) keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog…
LM393 Sound Sensor module deteksi suara
[crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
LDR Light Dependent Resistor Sensor Cahaya Photoresistor 6mm
LDR Light Dependent Resistor Nilai resistansi berubah ubah tergantung intensitas cahaya. Ukuran Sedang [crp include_post_ids="18910,…
LDR HD Light Dependent Resistor Sensor Cahaya Photoresistor 6mm
LDR Light Dependent Resistor Nilai resistansi berubah ubah tergantung intensitas cahaya. Ukuran Sedang [crp include_post_ids="18910,…
LDR HD Light Dependent Resistor Sensor Cahaya Photoresistor 4mm
LDR Light Dependent Resistor Nilai resistansi berubah ubah tergantung intensitas cahaya. Ukuran Sedang [crp include_post_ids="18910,…
L3G4200D 3-Axis Gyroscope Sensor KR08196
[embed][/embed] This is a breakout board for the L3G4200D low-power three-axis angular rate sensor. The…
KR09044 0%-100% PWM to 0V-10Volt DC Signal Converter Modules
This modules can convert from 0%-100% PWM into 0V-10Volt DC voltages keterangan lebih lanjut dapat…
KR09037 DoubleShoot L298N Motor Driver (2A 5V~35V DC)
Cek tutorial penggunaannya bersama dengan Arduino This dual L298N driver module, using ST's L298N new…
Motor Driver DC L293D
Motor driver L293D sudah tidak asing dikenal sejak lama untuk mengendalikan pergerakan motor, antara lain…
Kr09032 70a 5v-25v Dc High Power Driver Motor (Using Btn7970b)
70A 5V-25V DC HIGH POWER DRIVER MOTOR (using BTN7970B), to controll 1 DC Motor, completed…
KR09030 30A 16V DC Motor Driver using VNH2SP30
30A 16V DC Motor Driver using VNH2SP30, 30Ampere maximum with 16Volt controlling dc motor keterangan…
KR09029 2 Channel DC Motor using L9110S
2 Channel DC Motor using L9110S, This module to controlling 2 DC Motor/ 1 pcs…
Kr08246 Tcrt5000 Line Follower Sensor Garis Photocoupler Photodiode
KR08238 3mm 940nm Infared Tx Rx (Infrared dan Photodioda)
1 pasang infrared dan photodioda LED ukuran 3mm (Transmitter dan Receiver) [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917”…
Kr08229 Photosensitive Sensor Module (Ldr Module)
KETERANGAN DETAIL : light-sensor/photosensitive-sensor-module-ldr-module. [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
Pendeteksi Logam
Produk ini belum dirakit, ready dengan pcb warna hijau. Cara perakitan dapat dilihat pada video…
Kr08227 Apds-9930 Ambient Light Sensor (Als) W/ Ir Led
keterangan detail : light-sensor/apds-9930-ambient-light-sensor-als-w-ir-led. [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
KR08219 USB Digital Microscope (Zoom 50x~500x)
USB Digital Microscope (Zoom 50x~500x). Excellent for zooming in and capturing images of various objects,…
KR08217 2KG Loadcell Sensor
0-2Kg range silver tone aluminum wired weighing load cell, high accuracy, simple structure, easy installation.…
KR08216 1KG Loadcell Sensor
0-1Kg range silver tone aluminum wired weighing load cell, high accuracy, simple structure, easy installation.…
KR08214 ZMPT101B Single Phase AC Voltage Sensor
zmpt101b single phase ac voltage sensor. [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
KR08210 MAX6675 K-thermocouple module
MAX6675 K-thermocouple module, Temperature Range : 0 ~ 1024 deg. Celcius keterangan lebih lanjut dapat…
KR08207 Remote Infrared 20 keys 38KHz
Remote ini mengeluarkan sinyal data berupa hexa code. Dapat dilihat pada tutorial berikut ini. Jumlah…
KR08206 LSM303DLHC 3-Axis Compass 3-Axis Accelerometer Module
Modul ini mampu menghasilkan masing-masing 3 sumbu pengukuran accelerometer dan magnetometer (compass). LSM303DLHC mampu menghasilkan pengukuran accelerometerdengan range ±2g s.d.…
KR08204 Bracket for Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
Bracket for Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
Heart Rate Sensor
Pulse Heart/ Heart Rate Sensor Pulse sensor Arduino is used to test the heart rate…
KR08202 NTC 3950 100K Ohm Thermistor with cables (1m)
NTC 3950 100K Ohm Thermistor with cables (1m) keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada…
KR08201 Water Drop/ Raindrop Detection Sensor Air Hujan
Water Drop/ Raindrop Sensor keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot [crp include_post_ids="18910,…
KR08200 3 way Line Tracking Infrared Sensor using CTRT5000
KETERANGAN DETAIL : ir-proximity-line-tracking/3-way-line-tracking-infrared-sensor-using-ctrt5000. [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
Infrared Encoder Sensor
Encoder Infrared Module (WYC H2010 ~ wide gap), gap width : 10mm Encoder Infrared Module…
KR08197 MMA7660 3-Axis Orientation/ Motion Detection Digital Output
MMA7660 3-Axis Orientation/ Motion Detection keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot [crp…
KR08194 ZMPT101B AC Voltage Sensor Module
KETERANGAN DETAIL : electrical-sensor/zmpt101b-ac-voltage-sensor-module. [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
KR08193 TSOP 2236 Infrared Receiver 36kHz
TSOP2236 Infrared Receiver working 36kHz frequency, supply voltages : -0.3 to 6.0 Volt DC keterangan…
KR08192 Temperature Sensor – LM335Z
Temperature Sensor - LM335Z, Temperature Range 40C, 100C keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada…
KR08180 MT8870DS DTMF Tone Telephone Sound Decoding Audio Decoder
MT8870 DTMF Voice Decoding Module, detects the dial tone from a telephone line and decodes…
MAX471 Current Detection Module
MAX471 Current Detection Module, Can detect current up to 3A (Ampere), when used in parallel…
Sensor Arus Listrik 30A
Specifications : 1. Current sensor chip: ACS712ELC-30A. 2. Pin 5V power supply, on-board power light.…