KR08070 DHT11 Temperature Sensor Suhu dan Kelembaban
DHT11 Temperature Sensor, The DHT11 is a pre-calibrated digital output temperature and humidity sensor. DHT11…
KR08068 TCS3200 Color Sensor
TCS3200 Color Sensor, The TCS3200 programmable colorlight-to-frequency converters that combine configurablesilicon photodiodes and a current-to-frequencyconverter…
Kr08067 Sensor Infrared Flame Api Modul
keterangan detail : heat-fire-array-sensor/flame-sensor. [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
HMC5883L Gyro Compass Sensor
HMC5883L Three-Axis Digital Compass, The HMC5883L containing amplification, automatic degaussing strap drivers, offset cancellation, and…
KR08065 LPG Gas Sensor Kit (MQ6)
LPG Gas Sensor Kit (MQ6), This is a simple-to-use liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sensor, suitable…
KR08064 Gas Sensor Kit (MQ5)
Gas Sensor Kit (MQ5), MQ5 with complete kit, using LM393 driver keterangan lebih lanjut dapat…
KR08063 Gas Sensor Kit (MQ2)
Gas Sensor Kit (MQ2), MQ-2 Gas Sensor in complete kit. Use LM393 driver keterangan lebih…
KR08061 Gas Sensor (MQ2)
Gas Sensor (MQ2), Used in gas leakage detecting equipments in family and industry, are suitable…
KR08057 C6820 COMedia Enhanced JPEG Module
C6820 Specification C6820 User Manual C6820 Example Projects Enhanced JPEG Module, By using external micro-controller,…
KR08056 C1068 COMedia Video Recording Module with UART Interface
Manufacturer Specification Software C1068 Tool Manual C1068 UART Command Manual Software Tool C1068 Introduction This…
OV5620 Camera Sensor
USB2.0 Evaluation Module For Mega Pixel Sensor Item No. : KR08055 Download OV5620 datasheet Download…
Infrared Encoder WYCH92B4
Sensor inframerah ini memungkinkan untuk menghitung langkah gerak lurus maupun gerak rotasi, berikut ini contoh…
KR08040 LDR Light Dependent Resistor Sensor Cahaya Photoresistor 4mm
LDR Light Dependent Resistor Nilai resistansi berubah ubah tergantung intensitas cahaya. Ukuran Sedang [crp include_post_ids="18910,…
KR08030 Solar Panel (140mm*60mm)
Solar Panel (140mm*60mm), Solar cells convert the energy of the sun or artificial light into…
Bug Antenna, Bug Antenna, commonly used for switching signal from moving objek/ doors/ obstacle for…
KR08021 Ultrasonic Transducer (TRANSMITER & RECEIVER) Dia.16mm
Ultrasonic Transducer (TRANSMITER & RECEIVER) Dia.16m, #16mm (MEDIUM SIZE) *max. input voltage: 20Vrms *operating temperature:…
Optocoupler Infrared
Optocoupler Infrared, Infrared JY209-01, proximity/ encoder applications Optocoupler Infrared Item No. : KR08012 1. Decriptions…
KR08010 Small Optocoupler Infrared
Small Optocoupler Infrared, Reflective sensor combines GaAs IRED with a high-sensitivity phototransistor in a super-mini…
KR08002 Universal IR Module Ver 2.0
Universal IR Module Ver 3.0, PCB Module for general purpose amplifier using IC LM324N keterangan…
PCB Sensor Infrared Jarak 70mm
Infrared Module Range 70mm Item No. : KR08001 Download user manual 1. Descriptions : Small…
KR07094 5Volt DC Active Buzzer Alarm Module
KETERANGAN DETAIL : buzzer-speaker/5volt-dc-active-buzzer-alarm-module. [crp include_post_ids="18910, 11597, 10917” show_excerpt="1" limit="6"]
Infrared Absolute Encoder Module
Sensor inframerah ini memungkinkan untuk menghitung langkah gerak lurus maupun gerak rotasi, berikut ini contoh…
Infrared Distance Sensor Range 1~20cm
Infrared Distance Sensor Range 1~20cm Dapat digunakan untuk menentukan jarak, jarak objek dengan robot, maupun…
Hall Sensor Module (detect Magnet) KR08132
Hall Sensor Module (detect Magnet) KR08132 DETAIL : magnet-hall-sensor/hall-sensor-kit. Klinikrobot menyediakan sparepart elektronika dan kelengkapan…
Force Sensor Tekanan Thin Film Pressure Flexible Rp-C18.3 ST 20g-6Kg
SPECIFICATION Thickness: 0.4mm Trigger Force: 20g, triggered (default resistance10M Activation Time: 1million times Hysteresis: +10%(RF+…
DT-Sense Ultrasonic Ranger Distance Jarak Sensor 2cm – 300cm 991-934
Jangkauan sensor 2cm - 300cm Output berupa jarak dalam satuan mm (milimeter) Interface : PWM…
DT-Sense MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor 991-921
DT-SENSE CARBON MONOXIDE SENSORis a sensor module-basedMQ-7, i.e. the sensors that react to the levels…
DT-Sense Line Tracking SFH 8 Sensor 991-916
DT-Sense Line Tracking SFH 8 Sensor merupakan modul sensor pendeteksi garis yang biasa digunakan untuk…
DT-Sense Line Tracking CDS 8 Sensor Garis Follower 991-914
*Deteksi jalur gelap-latar belakang terang atau jalur terang-latar belakang gelap *8 pasang LED dan CDS…
DT-Sense Line Follower Tracking SFH 4 Sensor 991-915
DT-Sense Line Tracking SFH 4 Sensor merupakan modul sensor pendeteksi garis yang biasa digunakan untuk…
DT-Sense Line Follower Tracking CDS 4 Sensor 991-913
Line Tracking Sensor CDS 4 Sensor # Deteksi jalur gelap-latar belakang terang atau jalur terang…
DT-Sense Humidity Sensor 991-905
DT-Sense Humidity Sensor 991-905 #Range kelembaban nisbi 1-99 %RH #Alurasi +/- 3%RH, resolusi +/- 0.1%RH…
DT-Sense Barometric Pressure & Temperature Sensor 991-909
DT-SENSE Barometric Pressure & Temperature Sensor 991-909 -Tekanan 300-1100 hpa (mili Bar), akurasi +/- 1.5…
DT-Sense Alcohol Sensor Ethanol MQ-3 991-919
Innovative Electronics 991-919 -Berbasis sensor MQ-3 -Kompatibel dengan sensor gas MQ-3, MQ-4, MQ-6, MQ-7, MQ-135,…
DT-Sense 3 Axis Compass HMC5883L Sensor Kompas 991-926
'-Berbasis sensor HMC5883L -Magnetoresistive sensor sumbu X, Y, dan Z -Resolusi hingga 5 miligauss (medan…
DT-I/O Infrared Transmitter 38 kHz Tx Pemancar Inframerah 991-120
Tegangan kerja : 5 Volt DC Frekuensi carrier : 38 KHz Jarak transmit sd. 35meter…
DT-I/O Infrared Receiver Sensor Inframerah IR 38KHz 991-121
#Tegangan Kerja 5V DC #Frekuensi Carrier 38 KHz #Inverting & Non Inverting Output, TTL, CMOS,…
Black Photodiode Ukuran 5mm (Receiver Inframerah/ Infrared)
Black Photodiode Ukuran 5mm (Receiver Inframerah/ Infrared) Klinikrobot menyediakan sparepart elektronika dan kelengkapan robotika, mekanikal,…
Air Quality Indicator Sensor Kualitas Udara deteksi partikel sd 0.1um
Kelebihan Lampu menunjukkan 3 tingkat kualitas udara - hijau (baik), kuning (ok), dan merah (tidak…