
Arduino AvR Student Kit AKX00025


10 in stock

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SKU: AKX00025 Category: Tags: , , ,


ArduinoAKX00025 Student Kit is a programming and electronics kit designed for remote learning that includes step-by-step lessons and complete guidance. This student kit offers lessons that are fun and engaging with real-world topics and improves problem-solving and critical thinking skills. The AKX00025 kit is affordable and is used in learning digital logic and electronics topics like the current, voltage, and logic programming. This kit includes9 lessons and 2 open-ended projectsand offers different solutions to develop projects, inviting innovation, creativity, and problem-solving thinking.

Additional information

Weight 1,5 kg
Skill Programming

Level 3

Skill Elektrikal

Level 3

Skill Robotika

Level 2

Skill DIY - Do it yourself

Level 1

Skill Soldering

Level 3