Elko Kapasitor Elektrolit 22uF/ 450Volt KR04480
Electrolytic Capacitor 22uF / 450 Volt
Capacitance : 22uF
Maximum operating voltage : 450 Volt DC
Dimension (diameter x height) : 13 x 25mm
Capacitance tolerance : 20% (if you need smaller tolerance, please contact us)
Tested temperature : 105 deg. Celcius
Lifetime hour (tested at 105 deg. Celcius working temperature) : 2000 hours, lifetime hour will be doubled for every 10 deg. Celcius lowered working temperature.
Ex. working temperature at 55 deg. Celcius, lifetime hour become to 100.000 hours.
Details :
Klinikrobot menyediakan sparepart elektronika dan kelengkapan robotika, mekanikal, dll.
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