

3 Channel Remote Control Rescue Crawler #Tamiya 70169
Item No. : KR02059

Download Assembly Manual Tamiya 70169

[Variable type 6-track caterpillar realizes amazing running performance] A rescue robot that is expected to play a role in saving people when disasters such as earthquakes occur.It can survive rough roads such as disaster sites strewn with rubble. This is a work set inspired by a rescue robot that runs through the area without moving.A twin motor gear box for driving is installed at the front of the vehicle body.All crawlers are driven.The two front crawlers are also linked to the crank gear box at the top of the vehicle body. It is movable using the arm.It exhibits high running performance that easily overcomes large irregularities.To operate, raise the left and right sticks of the remote control box at the same time to move forward, lower them to go backwards, raise the right stick to turn left, and raise the left stick. The crawler will turn to the right.Furthermore, move the crawler up and down by tilting the right stick left and right.All the parts and remote control box necessary for assembly are included.This is a craft set with plenty of fun to make.

[Set contents] This is an assembly kit for a 3-channel remote control robot equipped with 6 crawlers (caterpillars) with 3 rows on one side.Includes a universal arm that can be cut and used, a transparent universal plate, an assembled remote control box, a crank gear box, and a twin All the necessary parts such as the motor gear box are set. The three motors are already wired to the remote control box board, and wiring is easy by simply attaching the battery holder. A crank that changes the front two crawlers. The gear box has a clutch gear that prevents the gear from breaking when large forces are applied.The road wheels and arms are orange in color, reminiscent of construction machinery.The gear box, universal plate, and remote control box are transparent, giving it a mechanical feel. There’s plenty of it.

[Basic specifications] – Total length when completed: approx. 330 mm, total width approx. 165 mm, weight approx. 515 g (including remote control box) – All necessary parts are set, and can be made by simply screwing, fitting, and simple wiring.

[What to purchase separately] ●Two AA batteries

Item Seri Pendidikan Konstruksi ini terinspirasi dari robot kehidupan nyata yang digunakan untuk mencari korban selamat dari bencana seperti gempa bumi. Digerakkan oleh girboks motor ganda, bodi crawler dapat digerakkan berkat girboks engkol dan pengaturan lengan penghubung, dan mampu bergerak di segala jenis medan kasar. Set ini mencakup semua yang Anda perlukan untuk merakit dan mengoperasikan perayap, bahkan pengontrol jarak jauh 2 tongkat yang memungkinkan kontrol berbagai operasi secara akurat.

Perayap robot R/C ini menampilkan 3 pasang trek yang memungkinkannya merayapi permukaan yang paling kasar sekalipun. 2 trek depan dapat dinaikkan hingga 80 derajat dan lebih rendah hingga 20 derajat, memungkinkannya melewati penghalang yang akan menghentikan kendaraan R/C normal. Lengan derek yang dipasang di belakang juga dapat dikontrol, memungkinkan pengguna mengambil atau menyeret objek, mensimulasikan operasi robot penyelamat yang sebenarnya.

Tentang Kit
Set mencakup bagian-bagian seperti lengan universal, pelat universal transparan, pengontrol jarak jauh tipe rakitan, kotak roda gigi engkol, dan kotak roda gigi motor kembar. Gearbox engkol dilengkapi dengan gigi kopling untuk mencegah keausan gigi yang berlebihan pada beban tinggi. Pengontrol jarak jauh dan kotak mekanisme menampilkan kasing yang jelas untuk memungkinkan melihat bagian mekanis yang sedang bekerja.

Panjang: 330mm
Lebar: 165mm
Berat (termasuk pengendali jarak jauh): 515g

★Baterai alkaline untuk remote control dijual terpisah.

Tamiya Educational Robot Construction Series Catalog :

Additional information

Weight 2,2 kg
Skill Programming

No Need

Skill Elektrikal

Level 2

Skill Robotika

Level 1

Skill DIY - Do it yourself

Level 1

Skill Soldering

No Need


Tamiya Robotics