Kelebihan board ini memiliki fuse anti konsleting pada pcb nya, biasanya kita yang baru belajar mencoba otak atik rangkaian listrik dan pemrograman bisa terjadi salah pasang, sehingga menyebabkan rangkaian meledak/ konsleting, berakibat perlu mengganti baru komponen dan seterusnya sehingga biaya menjadi mahal.
Board ini sudah dilengkapi dengan fuse (self recovery), sehingga saat terjadi konsleting maka fuse akan langsung memutuskan sumber tegangan pada rangkaian (tidak terjadi lonjakan arus listrik berlebih).
Penggunaan minimum board ini bersamaan dengan USB ISP/ USB ASP Programmer, perhatikan contoh penggunaan pada video berikut ini :
Tutorial terkait pemrograman dapat dilihat pada link berikut ini.
Development board 51 AVR ini support untuk pemrograman IC seri 51 (8051) dan juga AVR. Standard soket IC yang terdapat pada board adalah untuk seri 51 (8051) lihat gambar dibawah ini :
Terlihat pada gambar diatas soket IC memiliki susunan pinout seperti IC seri 51 (40pin), perhatikan gambar dibawah ini :
Untuk melakukan pemrograman maka kita cukup merakit standard komponen yang diperlukan, yaitu Crystall (XTALL/ XT), pada kit tersedia nilai Xtall 11.0592 MHz yang diseri dengan kapasitor 22pF dan port untuk pemrograman dengan ISP/ USBasp. Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini :
Alat pemrogaman 51 AVR Development Board ini dapat dibeli juga ditoko kami, lihat list produk (Related Item – halaman bawah). Bagi kamu yang baru pertama kali menggunakan USBasp untuk memprogram IC seri 8051 (Microcontroller 51) bisa lihat tutorial berikut ini. Sedangkan tutorial menggunakan USBasp untuk memprogram IC seri AVR dapat dilihat pada tutorial berikut ini.
Hal yang harus diperhatikan untuk menggunakan Development Board ini dengan IC seri 8051 atau seri AVR adalah jumper pin RST ke pin 51 atau ke pin AVR. Jumper ini terdapat pada board bagian bawah dengan kode J6. Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini :
Fitur-fitur yang terdapat pada board ini antara lain :
1. Koneksi antara Port LCD Character 128×64 dengan Development Board
2. Koneksi antara Port LCD Character 16×2 dengan Development Board
Tutorial terkait penggunaan LCD 16×2 bersamaan dengan ATMEL AT89S52 dapat dilihat disini.
Perhatikan port Character LCD pada board sebagai berikut :
3. Koneksi Port LED 8 bit (8 buah LED untuk aplikasi bit/ running LED) dengan Development Board :
4. Koneksi Push Button/ Switch (Push Button) dengan Development Board (4 buah switch) :
5. Koneksi Komunikasi Antarmuka Serial / Serial Interfacing (MAXIM Max232, Receiver Rx/ Transmitter/ Tx) dengan Development Board:
6. Tersedia 8 buah resistor pull up (Pull Up Resistor) pada pin P0.0 s/d P0.7 (Development Board) :
7. Koneksi Power Supply dari Port USB/ DC Jack:
Contoh demo video penggunaan Development Board :
Support for 51 series microcontroller STC89C52, STC12C5A60S2, AT89C51, AT89C52, AT89S51, AT89S52 most commonly used. In addition, to support the other 40 feet of the 51 series microcontroller and the ATmega16! STC89C52, STC12C5A60S2 can serial direct download program for, AT89S series microcontroller needs need specialized programming download program with USBISP a download manager program, AT89C series microcontroller. The ATmega16 use need to use an adapter plate, the download program needs USBISP Downloader!
1.PCB board factory test stand test to ensure that the physical connection is normal!
2 the oversized pad designed specifically for DIY enthusiasts, welding very easy!
3 in the welding process requires attention to the light emitting diode (i.e., the LED lamps are more with two spare) and not overheating of the temperature sensitive components such as, faster, otherwise it will burn LED lights like. We ensure that all components, if any welding unsuccessful, debugging does not work, etc., does not provide replacement (due to the presence of welding technology), but the buyer pays shipping warranty.
This price as shown on all devices (PCB empty board and board welding components include pluggable devices: the Jumper cap, 11.0592M crystal chip MAX232 each one), does not contain a microcontroller chip, power line and download line
This board to 51 interface designed for platform double reset circuit, support are:
1, on STC series such as STC89, STC11, STC12, STC90 DIP encapsulation (40 feet). Need to download a program via a serial port (COM).
2, the AT89S series such as AT89S51 and AT89S52 devices such as DIP encapsulation (40 feet). Need to write programs in ISP downloader to burn.
3, AVR microcontroller 40 dip package there are two interfaces, one can use directly, such as ATMEGA8515, ATMEGA162 another such as ATMEGA16/32 need through the adapter plate is used.
The following is a function of each part’s brief introduction:
A, 6 keys on the keyboard: as the man-machine dialogue input devices, below the keyboard design, more convenient for us to use buttons. Two of the button can be also used interrupt the experiment.
Second, the four digital tube, digital tube, a total of anode adopts a transistor constant current drive. To study the static and dynamic sweep trace of digital tube display.
Three, eight LED lights: do entertaining diversions, lamp and other light experiment, water also is a kind of equipment as a status display.
Four, the electrical appliances: relay output normally open normally closed contacts and isolation circuit board, can achieve higher voltage control devices, such as 220 v electric light, but it is in high voltage, users can do is not recommended for safety is more than the safety voltage 50 v.
Five, the red outside receive IC interface: can use H1838 receive head of infrared receiving experiment, such as extensible infrared remote control keyboard.
Six, the temperature sensor DS18B20 interface: learning “1-wire bus, 1 – Wire communication, can be used as a thermometer, the temperature alarm device.
Seven, buzzer: can do accompaniment music experiment, voice alarm, etc.
Eight, a serial port handling MAX232: this as synchronous asynchronous serial communication level conversion, can do synchronous asynchronous serial communication experiment.