


KR04362 LM2596-ADJ (4V-35V to 1.23V-30V Step Down Voltage Regulator)

10 in stock

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LM2596-ADJ (4V-35V to 1.23V-30V Step Down Voltage Regulator), provide all the active functions for a step-down (buck) switching regulator, capable of driving a 3A load with excellent line and load regulation 2138&category_id=192

DC Voltage Regulator : Pengubah Tegangan Listrik Arus Searah

Additional information

Weight 0,001 kg
Skill Programming

No Need

Skill Elektrikal

Level 2

Skill Robotika

Level 2

Skill DIY - Do it yourself

Level 1

Skill Soldering

Level 1

