USB to UART Module
Item No. : KR06050
Along with the development of computer technology, the parallel interface and serial port are disappeared from our PC. At present, even the desktop computers are seldom use parallel interface. For those computers without serial port?the most convenience solution is using USB to UART chip to form a virtual serial port. From the point of stability,series of FT232 is the most reliable, we can use it to debugging program, but no need to worry about the situation of blue screen come out.
Chipset FT232RL
FT232RL is a single chip solution,don’t need peripheral when normally use, even crystal oscillator, USB matched resistance and EEPROM for place production information are internal integrated. FT232RL also have some useful functions, details please refer to the data book of FT232RL.
Hardware Details
- Use FT232RLchip from the company of FTDI;
- Draw forth all the signal port of FT232RL chip, TTL/CMOS electrical level;
- RXD/TXD send-receive communication lights;
- USB power supply, optional 5Vor 3.3Vinterface level (if need other electrical level, it can provide target voltage directly on the pin of VCC and GND).
Xbee USB to UART Module Pinout