
KR18021 Plastic Gear FS3-0171-000 Gear 26T


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Plastic Gear FS3-0171-000 Gear 26T
Item No. : KR18021

Specification :
Outer Gear Diameter : 28 mm
Gear Depth : 4,5 mm
Shaft Diametr : 6 mm
Gear : 26 teeth
Compatible with another gear (can combine gear ratio system):
1. Plastic Gear FS2-055-000 Gear 40T (Item No. KR18018)
2. Plastic Gear FS2-0576-000 Gear 61T (Item No. KR18019)
3. Plastic Gear FS5-0267-000 Gear 41T (Item No. KR18048)
4. Plastic Gear FS1-0701-000 Gear 30T (Item No. KR18047)
5. Plastic Gear FS5-0346-000 Gear 25T (Item No. KR18075)

This gear compatible with DC Gearbox Motor 12VDC MOTOR HEAVY DUTY (Type A/ Type B) Item No. KR13012/ KR13035

Additional information

Weight 0,005 kg
Skill Programming

No Need

Skill Elektrikal

No Need

Skill Robotika

Level 1

Skill DIY - Do it yourself

Level 1

Skill Soldering

No Need