


KR20230 XL4015 5A Adjustable Power Step-down Module (IN:5-30VDC)

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Module XL4015 ini memiliki pengaturan tegangan dan arus sekaligus yang dapat diatur dengan masing-masing trimpot, dengan display yang tersedia.
CC : constant currect
CV : constant voltage
Tersedia port serial (RS2323, Rx,Tx, Gnd) = untuk penggunaan tingkat lanjut, pembacaan tegangan menggunakan komunikasi serial ke module controller/ microcontroller.

Informasi rentang ukur Tegangan/ Voltage :
Module nature: non-isolated step-down module
Rectification: Non-synchronous rectification
Input voltage: 5V-30V
Output voltage: 0.8V-29V
Output current: maximum 5A (more than 3A to strengthen the heat)
Conversion efficiency: 95% (highest)
Switching frequency: 300KHz
Output ripple: 50mV (max) 20M bandwidth
Load regulation: 0.5%
Voltage regulation: 2.5%
Operating temperature: -40 to +85

Informasi rentang ukur Arus :
Module Name: Current Voltmeter
Measurement accuracy: 0.1%
Refresh time: about 200ms
Display: double 4 0.28 “digital tube
Current range: 0A-5A
Voltage range: 5V-30V
Operating current: less than 15mA
Display color: red
Storage temperature: -10 C to + 65 C
Input impedance: 50 milliohms

DC Voltage Regulator : Pengubah Tegangan Listrik Arus Searah

Additional information

Weight 0,75 kg
Skill Programming

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Skill Elektrikal

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Skill Robotika

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Skill DIY - Do it yourself

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Skill Soldering

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