
C10 BI-Directional DB25 CNC Breakout Board


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Modul Konversi dari Driver Stepper Motor ke Komputer (CNC Zone – USA)

Modul ini berfungsi mengkomunikasikan langsung antara driver stepper motor dengan komputer/ notebook via port paralel.


BI-DIRECTIONAL BREAKOUT BOARD C10, This card provides an easy way of interfacing your inputs and outputs from your PC/ Computer parallel port. It provides terminals for the connections and conditions the signals for use in CNC applications

Item No. : KR10001

1. Introduction :
This card provides an easy way of interfacing your inputs and outputs from your PC/ Computer parallel port. It provides terminals for the connections and conditions the signals for use in CNC applications.

2. Features :

•  Buffered inputs and outputs.
Outputs are buffered through integrated circuits, allowing the card to output the signals without using the power from the parallel port. It can take the +3.3 or +5vdc at less than 1 milliamp from the parallel port and deliver solid +5vdc at 24 milliamps.

•  IEEE 1284 Standard compatible.
Includes the circuitry recommended by the IEEE 1284 Level 1 standards for bidirectional parallel communications between personal computers and peripherals.

• Has the option of using pins (2-9) for input or output.
By selecting the appropriate jumper setting you can use these pins for input or output. If you use a second parallel port and set it to work in a bidirectional way, you get a total of 34 I/O pins.

PINS             LPT1                LPT2                 TOTAL
INPUT              5                      13                             18
OUTPUT         12                       4                             16
17                     17                             34

• Output pins 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,14,16,17. Or 1, 14,16,17.
• Input pins 10,11,12,13,15. Or 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15.
• Input and output pins with close by ground or +5vdc connections.

• The common terminal to pins 2-9 can be ground or +5vdc.
The board has a jumper that allows you to select if the common terminal to pins 2-9 will carry a ground or +5vdc. So if you are connecting encoders or proximity switches, you can select it to ground. If you are connecting Geckodrives or limit switches, you can set it to be +5vdc.

• External Enable Pin (EN).
The board has a pin that allows you to enable/disable all the outputs at once. The board requires +5vdc in the EN pin. If it is not present, it will send all the outputs to ground. You can use this to enable or disable the system manually, or you can install an external Safety Charge Pump or other external device.

• All TTL +5VDC or +3.3VDC Signals.
Works with newer computers and laptops that have low voltage parallel ports

 PULL-UP or PULL-DOWN selection for inputs.
Includes jumpers to select the best input configuration for your application.

• Works directly with popular CNC hardware and software.
Such as Geckodrive, DeskCNC or Rutex, and parallel port control software, such as mach2, Linux EMC, TurboCNC, CNCPlayer, CNCZeus and others. (Not all tested)

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Additional information

Weight 0,7 kg
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