
RTC DS1307


Original price was: Rp50.000.Current price is: Rp48.000.

KR08151 RTC-DS1307 +AT24C128 Memory +DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Batere Include

37 in stock

📍 Self Pickup : Ciledug, Kota Tangerang
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3in1 Module RTC-DS1307 +AT24C128 Memory +DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

Modul ini berguna untuk data log pencatatan suhu secara real time, karena memiliki sumber power sendiri, sehingga ketika controller/ Arduino kehilangan sumber listrik, modul akan tetap menyimpan data menggunakan memory yang terdapat pada EEPROM AT24C128 (memory IC), sensor suhu menggunakan tipe DS18B20.

Dijual sudah include dengan baterai koinnya (CR1220).

Keterangan lebih lanjut :

This module contains 3 modules, real time clock/ RTC DS1307, IC Memory AT24C128, and Temperature sensor DS18B20. So you can fast to setup temperature data logger without build additional circuits. This module is need coin battery CR1220 (included).

Specifications :


  • DS1307 I2C real-time clock chip

  • AT24C128 I2C EEPROM chip

  • DS18B20 digital temperature sensor

  • CR1220 battery holder

  • Supply voltage: 5 V DC

  • Important pins were routed to standard 2.54 mm headers for convenient use

  • PCB Size: 34.2 x 20 mm

Pinout Informations :


  • BAT = if you don’t have CR1220 battery, you can supply this pin with 3Volt DC (not used if you plug in CR1220 battery)

  • SQ = DS1307 (real time clock) output data

  • DQ = DS18B20 (temperature data) output data

  • GND = 0 Volt DC (Ground)

  • VCC = 5 Volt DC

  • SCL = for AT24C128 memory communication

  • SDA = for AT24C128 memory communication

  • GND = 0 Volt DC (Ground)

Schematics :

Contoh coding (C Language dengan microcontroller 8051) : klik sini.

Contoh coding dengan Arduino UNO : tanpa library RTClib dan menggunakan Library RTClib

Koneksi rangkaian I2C antara Arduino dengan Modul RTC DS1307 cukup sederhana yaitu :

Modul RTC        >          Arduino UNO

Vcc                      >>              5 Volt

Gnd                    >>              Gnd

SDA                    >>               A4

SCL                     >>               A5

Datasheet :

DS1307 Datasheet 1 | Datasheet 2

Sensor suhu DS18B20 Datasheet

Memory AT24C128 Datasheet 1 | Datasheet 2

Tutorial dan penjelasan detail dapat dilihat pada video berikut :

Additional information

Weight 0,001 kg
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