Range- 3cm to 3m
Power- 5v, 30mA Typ.
Frequency- 40KHz.
Size- 43mm x 20mm x 17mm.
The input Trigger is a 10uS Min. TTL level pulse
Echo Pulse is Positive TTL level signal, with the width proportional to the object range.
Full Technical Data and the FAQ
Arduino – times the pulse and displays the result using the serial monitor
ATMEGA32 – reading the result and displaying on a LCD03/LCD05
PIC16F877 – reading the result and displaying on a LCD03/LCD05
PIC18F4410 – reading the result and displaying on a LCD03/LCD05
PIC24FJ16GA002 – reading the result and displaying on a LCD03/LCD05
PICAXE – Displays results on the console
PicBasic Pro – reading the result and displaying on a LCD03/LCD05