Dagu Compound Infrared Sensor Manual
Sensor infrared ini berbeda dengan sensor infrared pada umumnya yang hanya menggunakan sepasang pemancar dan penerima. Pada sensor ini memiliki 4 LED infrared pemancar yang dapat kita atur hidup/ matinya guna memancarkan signal infrared/ tidak. Kemudian dibagian penerima/ receiver terdapat sepasang (2 buah) receiver dipasag di 4 titik kuadran, yaitu atas (arah jam 12), bawah (arah jam 6), kiri dan kanan (arah jam 3 dan 9). Perhatikan gambar berikut ini :
Sehingga pin yang digunakan cukup bervariasi antara lain :
1x Pin Vcc (sumber tegangan), menggunakan 5 Volt DC
1x Pin untuk menyalakan 4 LED Inframerah (Tranceiver/ Pemancar)
4xPin untuk menerima signal Inframerah (Receiver), mewakili 4 titik kuadran
1xPin Ground/ GND.
This is the Dagu Compound Infrared Sensor. This IR compound eye mounted on a pan/tilt assembly can be used by a robot to track movement within 200mm. Designed to fit LMR’s universal sensor bracket, this sensor works by shinning IR light onto an object and then tracking the reflected IR. This sensor does not work in bright daylight as sunlight has a lot of IR and blinds the sensor. The IR LEDs can be controlled by a digital output so that ambient light as well as reflected light can be measured. Your microcontroller needs 4 analog inputs available to use this sensor.
This sensor can be used as a basic distance sensor by measuring the level of infrared light received by the IR sensors when the IRdiodes are on and off alternatively. The four IRsensors allow the location of an object edge to be determined more easily than a single sensor.
It can also be used as a simple range finder.4 pairs of IR photo transistors and 4x IR LEDs allow your robot to measure both ambient and reflected IR. It can also be used as a simple range finder. It comes pre-assembled.
This sensor can be used as a basic distance sensor by measuring the level of infrared light received by the IR sensors when the IR diodes are on and off alternatively. The four IR sensors allow the location of an object edge to be determined more easily than a single sensor. It can detect objects up to 200mm depending on ambient light. 4 analog inputs are required to measure the voltage of the 4 IR sensors.
Here is a video of the compound eye in use on a Dagu ‘Mr General’ robot.
Contoh penggunaan sensor sebagai navigasi robot :
Penggunaan nya dengan Arduino tanpa menggunakan library :
Koneksi modul ke Arduino :
Catatan : Vcc dan Enable bisa dihubungkan ke 5Volt Arduino dan Pin data analog sensor dari Pin2-Pin5 ke A2 – A5 (Arduino), dan Ground ke GND Arduino.
Arduino Script Code : download disini
Catatan : nilai hasil pembacaan dapat berubah (tidak stabil) jika tegangan Vcc tidak stabil, Tegangan EN (enable) infrared .tidak stabil, jika diperlukan tambahkan kapasitor 104 antara Vcc dan Ground.
Video detail penjelasan penggunaannya bersama Arduino UNO :