
KR08074 Infrared Encoder Optocoupler Speed Sensor 3mm GK122

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Infrared Encoder (Optocoupler) w/ bolt hole, The encoder is a sensor attached to a rotating object (such as a wheel or motor) to measure rotation. By measuring rotation your robot can do things such as determine displacement, velocity, acceleration, or th keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot

Voltage : 3-5Volt DC.

Lebar celah : 3 mm

Infrared Proximity Encoder (Optocoupler) w/ bolt hole

Item No. : KR08074

1. Introduction :

The encoder is a sensor attached to a rotating object (such as a wheel or motor) to measure rotation. By measuring rotation your robot can do things such as determine displacement, velocity, acceleration, or the angle of a rotating sensor.

A typical encoder uses optical sensor(s), a moving mechanical component, and a special reflector to provide a series of electrical pulses to your microcontroller. These pulses can be used as part of a PID feedback control system to determine translation distance, rotational velocity, and/or angle of a moving robot or robot part.

For instance, if you have a wheel rotating, and you want to measure the time it takes to rotate exactly 40 degrees, or know when you have traveled X distance, you would use an encoder. The sensor would be fixed on your robot, and the mechanical part (the encoder wheel) would rotate with the wheel. The output of an encoder would be a square wave, so if you hook up this signal to a digital counter or microcontroller you can then count the pulses. Knowing the distance/angle between each pulse, and the time from start to finish, you can easily determine position or angle or velocity or whatever. Encoders are necessary for making robot arms, and very useful for acceleration control of heavier robots. They are also commonly used for maze navigation.

2. Calculation Encoder Rotating


Additional information

Weight 0,001 kg
Skill Programming

Level 1

Skill Elektrikal

Level 3

Skill Robotika

Level 1

Skill DIY - Do it yourself

Level 1

Skill Soldering

Level 1

