
MCP9700A TSA01 Microchip Voltage Output Temperature Sensor

Original price was: Rp99.900.Current price is: Rp95.904.

Temperature Sensor TSA01 using MCP9700A (made in UK) KR08080, Linear Active Thermistor IC, Temperature slope: 10 mV/°C

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Cara penggunaan modul sensor suhu TSA01 ini sangat sederhana, cukup dihubungkan Vcc – 5 Volt DC dan Ground (terminal Sh), kemudian output (terminal T) akan mengeluarkan signal berupa tegangan sebesar 10mV / derajat kenaikan suhu dalam Celcius.

Koneksi antara Arduino UNO R3 : pin A0 (Arduino) – dengan pin T (output dari TSA01), jika kamu menggunakan microprosesor lainnya, bisa dihubungkan ke port input analog (analog reading), sehingga kita dapat membaca perubahan tegangan analog, dan dirubah menjadi digital (Analog to Digital, ADC).

Video berikut menjelaskan cara penggunaan sensor :

Script Arduino yang digunakan :

// TMP36 temp sensor output connected to analogue input A0
// power pin connected to 3.3volt

unsigned int total; // A/D readings
float tempC; // Celcius
//float tempF; // Fahrenheit

void setup() {
  analogReference(INTERNAL); // use the internal ~1.1volt reference | change to (INTERNAL1V1) for a Mega

void loop() {
  // read the sensor
  for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++) { // 64(max) analogue readings for averaging
    total = total + analogRead(A0); // add each value
  // temp conversion
  tempC = total * 0.001632 - 50.0; // Calibrate by slightly changing 0.0016xx
  //tempF = tempC * 1.8 + 32; // Celcius to Fahrenheit

  Serial.print("The temperature is  ");
  Serial.print(tempC, 1); // one decimal place
  Serial.println(" Celcius  ");
  //Serial.print(tempF, 1); // one decimal place
  //Serial.println(" Fahrenheit");

  total = 0; // reset total
  delay(1000); // slows readings


Download datasheet

Contoh project menggunakan MCP9700

Demo board MCP9700 (with schematic)

Aplikasi penggunaan sensor suhu dengan kipas pendingin

Operating Voltage : 2.3v to 5.0v

Operating Current : 6uA (typical)

Output : 10 mV/°C (typical)

Output Voltage at 0°C : 500mV

Range : 40°C to +125°C

Accuracy : 1°C (typ.) 2°C (max.) for range 0°C to +70°C

Typical Applications

• Automotive

• Hard Disk Drives and Other PC Peripherals

• Entertainment Systems

• Home Appliance

• Office Equipment

• Battery Packs and Portable Equipment

• General Purpose Temperature Monitoring

Connectivity :

The TSA01 should be connected to your controller using shielded twin core cable.

The shield is the 0v ground connection.

One of the cores carries the supply voltage, marked as 5v on the PCB.

The other core carries the temperature voltage, marked as T on the PCB.

Do not power the module from a higher voltage as there are ESD protection diodes on the board that start conducting at around 6v.

Schematic :


We do not supply a enclosure for these, however you do have a couple of choices.

The module is designed to fit a Schneider NSYTBS775 enclosure (RS 2550359430).

If you have access to a 3D printer then you may print your own case from the following STL files.

Base.stl   Lid.stl

Additional information

Weight 0,001 kg
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