
KR04057 Linker High Power LED Module for Arduino


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5points High Power LED, This is a high power LED module. It has five bright LEDs.

5points High Power LED

Item No. : KR04057

This is a high power LED module. It has five bright LEDs.

You may need : 4 Pin Mini GPU Connector (#KR20048) and Base Shield for pcDuino/ Arduino (#KR03049)


Example connection with Arduino :

GND pin of the Arduino is connected to GND pin, VCC pin is connected to 5V pin of the Arduino, and IN pin is connected to GPIO 9 pin of the Arduino.

Example Arduino code :

int pin=9,i=0;

void setup() {

// put your setup code here, to run once:

pinMode(pin,OUTPUT);//Set the mode of gpio 9 to output


void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

digitalWrite(pin,i++%2);//set pin9’s high and low Voltage high=1, low=0

delay(500); //Wait 500ms, led state change are displayed


Additional information

Weight 0,001 kg
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