
KR06056 32323 SMART CARD IS24C02A 256X8-BIT 5ms


7 in stock

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32323 SMART CARD IS24C02A 256X8-BIT 5ms, The pins of the IS24C02A are accessible through the gold plated contact pads embedded in the card. keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat pada katalog KlinikRobot dengan memasukkan kode barang atau tauran berikut ini : =144&page=shop.product_details&flypage=&product_id=830&category_id=139

Additional information

Weight 0,01 kg
Skill Programming

Level 3

Skill Elektrikal

Level 2

Skill Robotika

Level 2

Skill DIY - Do it yourself

Level 1

Skill Soldering

Level 3